Daejeon Korean Medicine Hospital of Daejeon University Clinical Trial Center


Request for clinical tria
>Research guide>Request for clinical tria

Clinical trial center

Request for Clinical Trial

IRB regular meetings are held on the first Monday of every week.
Clinical examination review request and inquiry Person in charge: Hye Kyung Jang

IRB Regular Meeting The first week of every month (Mon)
Reception deadline 14 days before meeting
Documents submission locationClinical examination review committee office
Contact Information Counselor Jang Hyekyung Tel. 042-470-9488 / Mail. graysky86@naver.com

Clinical trial implementation procedure and timeline

  1. Preparing and submitting documents
    1. 1. Request for Clinical Trial
    2. 2. Document preparation
    3. 3. ReceptionSubmission of documents by 14 days before the assembly
  2. Committee review and notification of results
    1. 4. Clinical examination committee meeting opening
    2. 5. Examination and JudgmentApproval / Correction Approval / Complement / Return / Stop and Hold
    3. 6. Confirmation of director
    4. 7. Notify the clientNotification within 7 days after review
  3. Signed clinical trial contract
    1. 8. Signed ContractPrepare two copies of the clinical trial contract and keep one each, deposit research funds to the hospital administration team
    2. 9. Medical Devices (Medicines) ManagementAcquisition, storage, and dispatch management
    3. 10. Report submission and reviewSubmission of interim report (Long term study for more than one year) Submit final test report/span>
    4. 11. Preservation of documents and materialsPreserved 3 years after clinical trial has ended
      Posting and medication history recorded for various clinical trials examination data and clinical trial plans, contracts, medical devices (pharmaceuticals)